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Образ хранения поста св. Четыредесятницы был был определен издревле. Древние христиане соблюдали этот пост с особенной строгостью, воздерживаясь даже от вкушения воды до 9-го часа дня (3 часа пополудни). В пищу употребляли хлеб и овощи, воздерживаясь от мяса, вина, молока, сыра и яиц. Исключение из этого порядка допускались только в крайней нужде (болезни). И сегодня требования Устава не изменились. В этом посту во все дни разрешается только растительная пища. На праздники Благовещение Пресвятой Богородицы и на Вход Господень в Иерусалим разрешается рыба. В Лазареву субботу - рыбная икра. Не разрешаются в Великом посту: мясо, молоко, яйца, сыр, сметана, творог, животное масло, рыба и т.д.
Особенно усердно и ревностно положено постится в 1-ю, 5-ю и Страстную седмицы, а в Великую Пятницу - в день всеобщей скорби христиан о Распятом Спасителе, не полагается вкушать пищи до вечера.

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0 #1 RobertInesy 05.01.2017 12:03
Do you want to look better in a bathing suit? Are you concerned about your health? Whatever your reasons are for wanting to work out, working to become more physically fit is something everyone should try to do. Here's some advice that will get your quest for fitness off to a strong start.

The best fitness tip for building up your arms is to work opposite muscles in opposite sets of each other. The best example would be to work the triceps and then the biceps. Each has the opportunity to rest while the other is being worked. This minimizes your time and maximizes your workout.

Do not be afraid to motivate yourself before a work-out. There is no audience and no judgment if you want to give yourself a little pep-talk on the way into the gym. The benefits are very real; when you exercise with positivity you work out more successfully. Tell yourself you are going to have a great work-out and you probably will.

A good tip to help you get fit is to stick with whole wheat foods. Avoid things like white bread and white rice, and instead opt for whole wheat bread and brown rice. Whole wheat bread and brown rice are more nutritious and give you long lasting energy.

There is no need to fear. Also try biking for a fitness alternative. Biking is a fun, inexpensive alternative for your daily commute that still focuses on fitness. Biking to work is a great form of exercise since you will be getting exercise in the morning and evening on your way to and from work.

While you may be a decent fitness enthusiast, it takes time and practice to become a great fitness enthusiast. You should know that you are never done learning about the activity or what you can do to better your skills. With the previous tips in mind, you are well on your way to becoming a great fitness enthusiast.
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